Some urgent questions from Joel Dejean, Independent for Congress, 38th CD
February 14, 2022
He's the rising Superstar of the Texas Republican Party, with dazzling endorsements and oodles of cash, cruising to easy victory (he thinks), in the new 38th Congressional district of Texas. According to the editors of the Houston Chronicle, who endorsed Wesley Hunt on February 8th, without even the courtesy of an interview, the new 38th C.D. “was made for Hunt to win". Fellow Texans! Before we race to the polls to cast our ballots, shouldn't we pause and ask: just who is Wesley Hunt?
Take a clue from the campaign billboard (sponsored by the 'Elect Principled Veterans Fund'), erected on the south side of Highway 59, just east of the super-busy I-610 interchange. Hunt grins down on us in faded army combat fatigues. That jagged silhouette behind him depicts an Apache helicopter, hovering to strike. Then the text: 'HE'S FIGHTING FOR YOU AGAIN / VOTE VETERAN WESLEY HUNT'.
Fighting for us? Who now recalls 'Operation Iraqi Freedom'? In 2003, the USA was still reeling from the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, which had confirmed Lyndon LaRouche's warnings to Congress nine months earlier of a 'Reichstag Fire' incident to justify wars abroad and emergency rule at home. Osama bin Laden, the Saudi Arabian zealot and contract asset for Zbigniew Brzezinski's mercenary Mujahideen, was now, Americans were told, the sole demonic mastermind of those attacks. The media establishment beat the drum for war against remote Afghanistan. Then suddenly, the narrative changed: the target was now Iraq!
When their clumsy propaganda efforts to pin 9/11 on Saddam Hussein failed to convince the public, the NATO/US 'intelligence' establishment tasked 'Sir' Colin Powell to pitch dire warnings about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to Congress and the United Nations. The lawmakers cowered, the war commenced, and West Point grad Wesley Hunt deployed into Iraq. He piloted an Apache helicopter on 55 sorties of demolition and death. WMDs? None were ever found. 'Iraqi Freedom'? Desert Storm, followed by killer sanctions and then 'Iraqi Freedom', plunged the nation into chaos, misery, and civil war, giving rise to ISIS insurgencies which still plague us today. Powell's chief aide Lawrence Wilkerson, and even Powell himself, later recanted the gross lies crafted to justify that invasion. Does Wesley Hunt harbor any regrets? Let's ask him. Let's also ask Mr. Hunt about his later 'diplomatic' service in Saudi Arabia, from whence both the 9/11 attacks and the ongoing genocidal assault on Yemen sprang.
Today the same 'intelligence' hacks are churning out daily predictions of imminent Russian moves into Ukraine, goading western governments to pour gazillions of lethal weapons into eastern Europe, for a near-term showdown with Russia which could soon go thermonuclear. Might we expect a NATO 'false flag' incident this week? There is also a parallel drumbeat for war with China over Taiwan. Why is this happening?
Consider this: around the world, nations are exiting the dollar-denominated 'rules-based order', as dictated by the moribund gods of London and Wall Street. Decades of post-industrial financial games, (and trillions in Federal Reserve bailouts) are turning the world's reserve currency into depreciated confetti. Plans for a permanent bailout, to be extorted as carbon penalties against productive farms and manufactures the world over, failed miserably at the COP-26 'climate' summit. Presidents Putin of Russia and Xi of China did not even attend. These two leaders, meeting recently at the Winter Olympics, have sealed a new alliance for peaceful cooperation and world development, with China's Belt & Road Initiative at its center. Since January, four more nations -- Syria, Morocco, Nicaragua and Argentina -- have joined. The Wall Street / London / NATO response? Sanctions and threats of war, even nuclear war, against Russia and China.
How did we get to this point? Consider the record of Wesley Hunt's key endorsers. Consider JAMES BAKER III, who broke every promise given to Russia in 1990 to halt NATO expansion even 'one inch eastward'. After foreign-financed 'color revolutions’ toppled governments throughout eastern Europe, NATO, with its arsenals of offensive missiles, parked itself on Moscow's doorstep. Also in 1990, Baker's Ambassador to Baghdad April Glaspie gave the approving nod for gullible Sadaam Hussein to move into Kuwait, the event that justified the 35 nation 'Desert Storm' assault on Iraq, kicking off the New World Order agenda of permanent war. Consider MIKE POMPEO, who bragged that, as CIA chief, 'we lied, we cheated, we stole' to subvert US policy. As Secretary of State, Pompeo sabotaged every effort by President Trump to work with China and Russia. Consider TED CRUZ, who cheers on the chaos in Ukraine and the cutoff of dependable energy flows from the East. In this obsession, Cruz aligns himself with Europe's radical Greens, who also seek to kill the Nord Stream Pipeline, even as gas prices soar and the lights flicker and die.
And Wesley Hunt? Disingenuous protestations to the contrary, Hunt absolutely accepts the decarbonization tenets of the global green deal swindle. His chief gripe (as expressed to Cornerstone's Jack Belcher) is that Russia, China and India, still commited to national development, will not submit to the net-zero-carbon suicide pact. Since Hunt doesn't trust national governments to enforce the shut down of carbon-based industries, he would presumably outsource the task to unelected bodies -- the private money markets, or, perhaps, NATO.
As a truly independent candidate for Congress, and long term associate of economist Lyndon LaRouche, I present, instead, a POSITIVE VISION FOR THE FUTURE. We must break with monetarist 'rules-based order' which Wesley Hunt so ardently defends. Let us end the hyperinflationary bailouts, the green regression toward poverty and backwardness, the sanctions, and the forever wars. Let us join the Belt and Road Initiative, launch a crash effort for commercial thermonuclear fusion, and fully fund NASA’s Artemis Moon mission. We can work with Russia, China, India and all nations to overcome poverty, hunger and pandemic disease -- the common enemies of humankind. Peace through Development is the way forward. Every life is worth defending. Wesley Hunt thinks otherwise. Asked about COVID on Fox & Friends, Wesley Hunt was breezy and dismissive: "Hey listen! COVID is here to stay!" This big man would provoke war against Russia and China; but against the tiny Coronavirus, he waves the white flag of surrender.
There is a choice before us in 2022: Accept global green fascism to salvage, briefly, the dying financial empire of 'Global Britain' and its Wall Street appendage; or create a new renaissance paradigm of peaceful cooperation, scientific endeavor, and human development. Given his record, does Wesley Hunt deserve a free pass into the U.S. Congress? I'm asking these questions. Will you?
Joel Dejean: Kepler and the James Webb Space Telescope
Dec. 27, 2021
Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571, 450 years ago today. Using the naked-eye observations of Tycho Brahe, he was able to formulate the laws of planetary motions that are being used to guide the James Webb Space Telescope, launched on Christmas Day, to its observation station 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.
While working on his Harmony of the World, Kepler and the rest of Europe were at the beginning of what became to be known as the Thirty Years’ War, which killed a third of Europe’s population. Today, we are in danger of sleep-walking into a thermonuclear war, which would wipe out all human civilization. Let us use the example of the James Webb Space Telescope, where scientists and engineers from 14 nations, working over 25 years, and spending 200 times less than that spent over the last 20 years by the U.S. and NATO to destroy Afghanistan, as an example of what Mankind is capable of, when it puts its mind into a truly human goal.
Think of what Kepler was able to discover about the Solar System, using only naked-eye observations. What will a future Kepler be able to discover about the universe, using fantastic instruments like the James Webb.